These numbers of guarantee hits increases when a large group of enemies are sucked. Ganyu’s burst icicle provide both AOE damage and a guarantee hit every few intervals. Freeze DPS Ganyuįreeze DPS build typically exploits the way Ganyu’s burst interacts once enemies are being Crowd Control (CC) aka “sucked”.
Hence, why the community till this day consider her as the most “ broken” character. Both of which is entirely upon the player themself to learn and improve. Ganyu only weaknesses is understanding when her window of attack is and also not missing her charged shots. With an absurd damage multiplier in her charged attack, it becomes even more ridiculous with how this seemingly sleepy adepti can utilize different artifact sets, team composition and weapons to near maximum potential with little to no investment. Ganyu or Cocogoat is a hypercarry DPS bow character that has became the benchmark used to gauge other 5 star DPS characters.